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Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

cara reset android

       tips berikut ini cukup ringan tapi manfaat nya sangat besar 
jikalau hp ato tablet yang yang ber os android mengalami hang restar atau apaun masalh yang masih bersangkutan dengan eror di bagian soft ware saya rasa langkah2 berikut sangat lah bermanfaat.
berikut cara reset  android


Cara masuk recovery mode Acer BeTouch E210:
Tekan Tombol Volume Down + Camera + Power Secara bersamaan > Ikuti petunjuk yang ada di layar
Cara masuk recovery mode Acer Liquid Metal:
Caranya sama seperti Acer BeTouch E210
Cara masuk recovery mode Advan T1c
Tekan tombol POWER, setelah mulai start-up, tekan tombol Volume Down hingga keluar gambar Android dan Segitiga + tanda seru /!\. Setelah itu tekan tombol HOME untuk masuk ke recovery mode. Bila tombol HOME tidak berfungsi, coba tekan tombol MENU.
Recovery Mode Cross A1 Tabmate:
Tekan dan tahan tombol Vol Down lalu tekan tombol POWER (keduanya jangan dilepas sampai masuk recovery mode)
Cara masuk recovery mode Cross AD350 Android:
Tekan tombol HOME + Volume Down + Tekan tombol Power > akan muncul tanda /!\ > tekan tombol HOME
Recovery Mode Cross Android A6T TabMate
Tekan Tombol Home + Volume Up + Tombol Power
Cara Masuk recovery mode Blueberry CSL Mi 410 Android:
Tekan dan tahan tombol Volume Up + Volume Down + Power secara bersamaan > setelah itu tekan tombol HOME
Cara Masuk recovery mode Blueberry CSL Mi 320 Android:
Tekan Trackpad + tombol Volume Up + Power bersamaan
Cara masuk recovery mode Huawei X3:
Tekan dan tahan tombol vol up + tombol Power
Cara masuk recovery mode Huawei X5:
Sama dengan X3, yaitu tekan dan tahan tombol vol up + tombol Power
Recovery Mode Huawei S7
Tekan tombol MENU + Call + Power
Recovery Mode Ideos C8150 (AHA Touch)
Tekan tombol Call + Volume Up + Tombol Power
Cara masuk recovery mode IMO Tab Z5
Takan Tombol Power + Volume Down secara bersamaan > saat ada tampilan IMO, lepas tombol Power (Tombol Volume tetap ditahan).
Cara masuk recovery mode IVIO DE88 
Tekan dan tahan Tombol Camera + Tombol HOME > tunggu hingga muncul logo Android, langsung tekan tombol MENU+BACK bersamaan. Navigasi menggunakan tombol Volume, untuk memilh atau OK gunakan tombol Camera.
Cara masuk recovery mode LG L3 E400:
Tekan Tombol Tengah + Volume Atas + Tombol Power > tunggu sampai muncul logo LG , lepas tombol power.
Cara Hard Reset LG L3 E400:
 Tekan Tombol Tengah + Volume Bawah + Tombol Power,  setelah bergetar dan keluar logo LG , lepas tombol power > tunggu beberapa saat. 
Cara masuk recovery mode Samsung Galaxy Mini, Samsung Galaxy Ace dan Samsung Galaxy Fit Android:
Info lebih lengkap dapat membaca artikel: 
Cara masuk recovery mode Samsung Galaxy Gio
Tekan tombol HOME + tombol Power
Cara masuk recovery mode Samsung Galaxy 551:
Tekan tombol huruf T + tombol Power. Untuk navigasi atas bawah dapat menggunakan tombol panah, sedangkan untuk melakukan pilihan menggunakan tombol Shift.
Cara masuk Recovery mode Samsung Galaxy Pro:
Tekan tombol T + Tombol Power
Cara masuk Recovery Mode Samsung Galaxy Y (Young) GSM:
Tekan tombol Vol Up + tombol HOME + tombol Power secara bersamaan selama beberapa detik.
Cara Masuk Rec Mode Samsung Galaxy Y (Young) CDMA:
Matikan HP > Tekan tombol Power, saat muncul logo Samsung > tekan tombol VOL UP sampai masuk ke recovery Mode. Kalau handphone menyala normal masuk ke menu seperti biasa, matikan handphone lagi dan ulangi proses dari awal.
Cara Masuk Recovery Mode Samsung Galaxy W (Wonder):
  1. Matikan handphone
  2. Tekan tombol Volume Up + Tombol HOME (tombol tengah) + Tombol Power secara bersamaan > tunggu sampai keluar logo “Samsung”, setelah itu segera lepas tombol ketiga tombol tersebut, dimulai dari tombol power terlebih dahulu.
  3. Bila muncul logo Android / gambar kotak dan anak panah > tekan tombol MENU (tombol sebelah kiri dari tombol HOME). Bila tidak berhasil masuk ke recovery mode, ulangi lagi tahap 1.
Cara Masuk Recovery Mode Samsung Galaxy Tab 7″ (P1000) / Tab 7 Plus (P6200)
Matikan Tablet lalu Tekan tombol Volume UP + Tombol Power secara bersamaan sampai layar menyala
Recovery Mode Samsung Galaxy Note N7000
Tekan tombol Volume UP+Home+Power > tunggu sampai muncul tulisan Galaxy Note, setelah itu lepas ketiga tombol tersebut
PERINGATAN!: Bagi Anda yang menggunakan Galaxy Note dengan sistem operasi Ice Cream Sandwich Android 4.0.x, sebaiknya jangan melakukan factory reset karena ROM ini menurut beberapa pengguna memiliki bug yang dapat merusak HP
Cara Masuk Recovery Mode Samsung Galaxy Mini II S6500
Tekan tombol Volume up+ Volume down + Tombol Home + Tombol Power secara bersamaan
Recovery Mode Tabulet Sparta:
 Dalam keadaan perangkat terhubung dengan charger, tekan tombol Power + Volume Up + Vol Down
Recovery Mode Tom i20
Tekan tombol Volume up + Power secara bersamaan
selamat android anda kembali seperti baru
Many Pattern Attemps Advan Vandroid T2ci By Tomy With a factory reset to restore to its original state, but you have to accept that some programs have been installed will be erased, but rather some good deleted but can reopen your tablet that has been deleted because you can install it again .... How can unlock pattern on the Advan Vandroid T2ci this story .... I: A. press the power button and volume buttons (-) and (+) 2. press ok on the dialog box (shoutdown on screen) the screen turns off but will re-open ... 1 do not remember the steps off to see the image the sleeping doll android with an open abdomen 3. Remove the last third of your fingers (power, Vol (-) (+) 4. Do it again the first step ... it will look other option other and rebooting the system. 5. first select an existing recovery system (the Volume (-) = down (+) up (power button) = Ok 6. Last step = do again steps one through four, .... Factory reset and then select Ok (power button), wait a while tablets will continue to start (looking logo Advan) 7. Turn off and on again ... 8. Tablet you`re back at the factory program 9. Please Install more programs that were deleted before your program 10. Good luck........Regard...Tomy at Surabaya

Read more: My tablet is saying too many pattern attempts and to unlock sign in with my google account? - I bought it second hand from the market and cant get it to work :: Ask Me Fast at

  incoming search
- cara mereset ulang hp blackberry anda

- cara ngeflash hp android
Many Pattern Attemps Advan Vandroid T2ci By Tomy With a factory reset to restore to its original state, but you have to accept that some programs have been installed will be erased, but rather some good deleted but can reopen your tablet that has been deleted because you can install it again .... How can unlock pattern on the Advan Vandroid T2ci this story .... I: A. press the power button and volume buttons (-) and (+) 2. press ok on the dialog box (shoutdown on screen) the screen turns off but will re-open ... 1 do not remember the steps off to see the image the sleeping doll android with an open abdomen 3. Remove the last third of your fingers (power, Vol (-) (+) 4. Do it again the first step ... it will look other option other and rebooting the system. 5. first select an existing recovery system (the Volume (-) = down (+) up (power button) = Ok 6. Last step = do again steps one through four, .... Factory reset and then select Ok (power button), wait a while tablets will continue to start (looking logo Advan) 7. Turn off and on again ... 8. Tablet you`re back at the factory program 9. Please Install more programs that were deleted before your program 10. Good luck........Regard...Tomy at Surabaya

Read more: My tablet is saying too many pattern attempts and to unlock sign in with my google account? - I bought it second hand from the market and cant get it to work :: Ask Me Fast at

4 komentar:

Hp aq cross ad350,aq dah masuk recovery mode trus factory reset,trus apa lagi?

kalo advan t2v gmna gan ? mohon pencerahannya ..


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